Energy & climate Energy & climate

Certified holistic CO2 management

Climate protection: we are active

As part of the Science Based Targets Initiative, we are setting ourselves scientifically validated climate protection targets and aim to reduce the CO2 footprint in Scopes 1 and 2 by 42 percent by 2030 compared to the base year 2022. This voluntary commitment requires us to calculate our greenhouse gas footprint once a year.

Our holistic CO2 management

Our climate strategy is anchored in the Executive Board and thus at the highest organizational level. In 2022, we introduced integrated operational CO2 management for the first time. We have also drawn up an action plan and defined ambitious reduction targets.

Our greenhouse gas footprint is base on the internationally recognized Greenhous Gas Protocol standard and the ISO ISO 14064-1 standard. It shows us the largest sources of emissions and significant saving opportunities. In addition, we can track the effectiveness of the CO2 reduction measures we have taken.

In addition, an independent external review of our CO2 management is carried out. This entitles us to bear the new bronze label from Swiss Climate.

Our main sources of emissions

To determine our carbon footprint, we consider the seven greenhouse gases listed in the Kyoto Protocol. These are converted into CO₂ equivalents for better comparability. The limits of our operational carbon footprint system include the mandatory emission sources from scopes 1 and 2. Additionally, Scope 3 emissions such as the waste we create, business travel and commuting, as well as rented warehouses are included.

Including our purchased raw materials, we had our entire CO₂ footprint in the supply chain calculated for the first time in 2023.

Graphic - Our main emissions

Do you know your CO2 footprint?

Energy and climate affect us all. If you don't yet know your personal footprint and would like to find out what you can do to take on more responsibility, use the Swiss Climate calculator.

Footprint calculator