Responsibility & Supply Chain
Our Policy Statement
We respect the principles of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” as well as the core labour standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO). Our actions are based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Showing respect for the human and labour rights of our employees, our suppliers, our service providers, our distribution partners and indirect stakeholders is an integral part of the HUG corporate culture. We disapprove of all forms of human rights violations, especially child labour, forced labour and compulsory labour, and we condemn any kind of discrimination. We are actively committed also to protecting human and labour rights throughout our supply chains.
Our Responsibility
We expect our suppliers to identify potential human and labour rights violations within their supply chain and to take appropriate action.
Those affected by our supply chain or employees are requested to inform us about possible misconduct in complying with the human and labor rights of our supply chain partners or our own employees in order to prevent this.
The HUG family guarantees that whistleblowers will not suffer any disadvantages. The investigations are carried out fairly and quickly with the utmost confidentiality.