Infrastructure & Processes Infrastructure & Processes

backhaus: ecology

Reduced ecological footprint thanks to the backhaus

The new backhaus enables the integration of the Wernli production site from Trimbach into the HUG AG headquarters in Malters. This will allow us to achieve considerable synergies in production and logistics.

“The HUG family is committed to generating ecological synergies through an innovative and resource-saving infrastructure,” explains Andreas Hug. The new building will contribute to reducing the company’s carbon and energy footprint per tonne of production.

Our new energy supply system uses groundwater and waste heat from the factory as the main energy sources to supply heating and cooling for buildings and production processes. The cooling requirements are largely covered by the so-called “free cooling” technology. This means that the groundwater temperature is sufficiently low and suitable for direct cooling. The oven is heated with 60% electricity from Swiss hydropower and the rest with propane gas, whose CO2 emissions are offset.