Flour & meal
85% of our grain for flour and meal comes from Switzerland
Flour is a fundamental component of our products. Our needs are correspondingly diverse, because not every flour can be used in the same way everywhere. In our doughs, we use wheat and spelt flour that is as natural as possible, but also wheat and spelt meal.
A considerable amount of this wholemeal flour flows into our DAR-VIDA range. As a result, many DAR-VIDA products contain a high proportion of natural dietary fibres. These fibres can regulate intestinal activity and satiate more quickly. DAR-VIDA UrDinkel even consists of 100% genuine UrDinkel. This original Swiss grain is grown by dedicated farmers and processed by hand.
Our Wernli range, on the other hand, needs particularly fine wheat flour. Both the germ and the husk are removed from the white wheat flour in the mill. This is a prerequisite for giving the popular Wernli specialities their delicate touch.
We need good and, above all, consistent quality for our baked goods. Therefore, depending on the year and the quality of the harvest, a maximum of 15% foreign flour is added to our Swiss wheat and spelt flour and spelt meal.
By the way, 100% of our wheat meal comes from Switzerland.
Biscuit wheat with ecological added value
The DAR-VIDA whole grain line requires around 800 tons of whole grain meal per year. We want to source 80 persent of this with ecological addes value by 2027.
To promote biodiversity and soil health, we started a pilot test with wheat in 2022 together with the Knecht-Mühle in Leibstadt and two farmers from the same region. The wheat is cultivated in accordance with Suisse Guarantee guidelines. The farmers also avoid using insecticides and, if possible, fungicides. They also promote biodiversity using the so-called wide-row method. With this method, up to 40 percent of the field remains unsown and the rows of grain are planted at a distance of around 30 centimeters. In addition, so-called beneficial insect strips with wild herbs are created. This allows wild herbs, for example, to thrive better. Spiders and insects benefit from this, but also brown hares and ground-nesting birds such as skylarks. The method thus creates breeding and retreat areas as well as a source of food.
In 2023, 45 tons of this top quality biscuit wheat were harvested, processed and used for DAR-VIDA. In 2024 the project was expanded and a total of 11 farmers from the canton of Aargau took part in the project. Due to the bad weather conditions (the worst harvest in Switzerland in 40 years), "only" 110 tons were harvested. We are pleased that another 8 farmers have joined the project and we expect therefore a harvest of around 400 tons in 2025.
What makes UrDinkel so special?
The UrDinkel label certifies that only Swiss spelt varieties that have not been crossed with wheat are used in cultivation. The farms produce according to the current guidelines of IP-Suisse and Bio Suisse.