We promote mobility through muscle power
At the Malters site, all employees have access to the company’s self-service bicycles, which of course are equipped with helmets.
The aim is to encourage our employees to cycle short distances around the company premises.
Bike to work: our employees join in
“bike to work” is a project of Pro Velo Switzerland. Every summer for years, several HUG teams have been taking part in this Swiss-wide health promotion campaign on their own initiative.
In addition to reducing personal stress, improving physical fitness and boosting feel-good hormones, this cycling action also helps to avoid CO2 and fine particle emissions. In addition, bicycles make no noise and hardly cause any damage to the ground.

We are delighted with the feedback and enthusiasm from our HUG bicycle fans. The statistics prove it: every year, many of them push against the pedals.

Motorised mobility: we are reducing CO2 emissions
Almost 40% of all energy consumed in Switzerland is used in the mobility sector. Fuel consumption is steadily increasing as more cars drive longer distances.
We also contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions. For longer trips two electric cars from our company fleet with a total of five vehicles are used: a hybrid car and an electric car purchased in 2018 and dressed in the original DAR-VIDA Break colours.

Six electric charging stations
In 2021, we installed six charging stations for electric vehicles at our Malters site, where our employees can charge their electric cars at cost price. Our electricity comes from renewable sources, namely Swiss hydropower. In this way, we want to promote environmentally friendly traffic for the future.
Business trips are offset with the climate credit card
Our sales team deals with customers all over the world. On-site visits are necessary to better understand the local markets. Trips are planned in a targeted manner and, if necessary, compensated for to achieve climate neutrality. This is where the climate credit card comes in. Since 2018, all CO2 emissions generated by goods and services – be it a flight ticket, a meal or an overnight stay in a hotel – have been compensated for by 100%.
The credit card company offsets any CO2 emissions by supporting climate protection projects of the South Pole Group.
Every year, all company credit card holders receive an extract of their personal CO2 balance. This makes them aware of the footprint they leave behind.