Raw materials Raw materials

Organic seeds

We consciously use sustainable seeds

Whether chia, quinoa, linseed, sesame or pumpkin seeds, these seeds are associated with positive health effects when consumed and all five are used in our DAR-VIDA range.

Dietary fibres are predominantly found in plant foods such as chia and linseed and are largely indigestible food components. Nevertheless, they are valuable for our diet. Sufficient dietary fibres can prevent digestive problems because they maintain the intestinal flora, bind toxins in the digestive tract, regulate blood sugar levels and increase intestinal motility, which regulates stool elimination.

Since 2017, we have only used quinoa and chia from organic sources because we want to reduce excessive pesticide loads on people and the environment as much as possible. For the same reasons, we have only used organic sesame since the end of 2020 and organic linseed since mid-2023.

The benefits of quinoa & co

The studies of the Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum show that the nutrient profile of quinoa is hardly surpassed by any other food: over 50% unsaturated fatty acids, a high proportion of essential amino acids, the protein building blocks, vital substances such as minerals, carotenoids or flavonoids round off the spectrum of valuable ingredients. Quinoa makes you feel pleasantly full and is a valuable alternative for people with gluten intolerance or an allergy to grain ingredients.

Sesame seeds are used in a variety of forms, e.g. as a paste or as gomasio in the cuisines of the Orient, Asia and India, but also Africa. Sesame seeds are said to be a high-quality food rich in calcium and folic acid.

Origin chia seeds (organic)
Origin quinoa (organic)
Origin sesame seeds (organic)
Austria, Poland, Italy, Czech Republic
Origin linseed (organic)
Origin pumpkin seeds (organic)