Vocational training
Responsible teaching organisation
Training young people is important to us, which is why we offer high-quality training positions (apprenticeships, internships and remedial training) in various areas.
The aim of our training is to guide apprentices to a successful qualification process and to enable them to develop into capable, competent, flexible and team-oriented professionals.
We train apprentices in their entirety and attach great importance to quality. In this way, we promote the professional, methodological and social skills as well as the self-competence of our apprentices. In addition to the performance targets set out in the education regulations, we place particular emphasis on teamwork, personal responsibility and flexibility to ensure that our apprentices are well prepared for the labour market at the end of their training.
We offer training in the following nine professions:
- EFZ plant operator
- ICT specialists EFZ
- Commercial clerks EFZ
- Food technologist:in EBA
- Food technologist EFZ
- Logistician:in EFZ
- Mediamatician EFZ
- Polymechanic:in EFZ
- Production mechanic:in EFZ
We currently employ 18 people in apprenticeships.
We also offer a pre-apprenticeship integration programme in the field of food technology.

Preparing for an apprenticeship with INVOL
The one-year ‘INVOL’ integration pre-apprenticeship programme promotes the professional integration of foreign-language teenagers and young adults and prepares them for entry into an apprenticeship. As a rule, the apprentices work three days a week in the company and on two days they attend classes at the Centre for Bridging Courses for language and general education support. At HUG, we offer the integration pre-apprenticeship programme in the apprenticeship occupation of EBA food technician every year.

We also promote catch-up training
The part-time course enables adults to obtain the Swiss Federal Certificate of Competence (EFZ) as a plant operator in two years while working. At HUG, we support our employees not only financially, but also by organising in-house inter-company courses and additional paid learning days.

Sports-friendly teaching organisation
The commercial apprenticeship at the Talent School is a specially organised basic commercial training programme run by the Canton of Lucerne to promote talented young people. Here, talent has a place alongside basic commercial training. This means that young people with a talent for sport and music can complete a commercial apprenticeship. To ensure there is enough time for training and competitions, the school and workloads are reduced, which is why this commercial apprenticeship lasts four years (instead of three). We have been offering this model since February 2024.

LIFT Partner company
LIFT is an integration and prevention programme at the interface between primary school (Sek I) and vocational training (Sek II) for young people from the 7th grade onwards with a more difficult starting position in terms of later direct integration into the world of work. The core element is regular short assignments, so-called ‘weekly work placements’, in commercial enterprises in the respective region. The placements of 2-3 hours per week in local companies take place on a voluntary basis for 3 months during school holidays. At HUG, we offer these weekly work placements for the following apprenticeships: logistics technician, food processing technician and poly and production mechanic.