For a fair and sustainable
world fit to live in

«natural and honest».
Out of conviction.
The HUG Family promise «natural and honest» is the sustainable basis for our business activities. Seven areas of activity allow us to constantly make improvements and to deepen our culture of sustainability.
Anna Hug
Co-Director Markets
Co-Director Markets
Andreas Hug
Chairman of the Administrative Board
Chairman of the Administrative Board

Our seven areas of activity for a sustainable development in the long term
Natural-honest: Our Path.
Our labels & certificates
Human in social matters
We comply with labour standards. We are progressive and care about labour and health protection. Ethics and personal integrity are an integral part of the HUG culture.
Entrepreneurial-based economics
Because we comply with international standards, we guarantee the consistently high quality and the food safety of our products and foodstuffs.
Caring about environmental challenges
We make sure our environmental resources are used with care, and we are committed to a sustainable and viable circular economy.